In this video I show you a simple example of how to use it.

Baseline grids or Rows help you set up proper horizontal. The following CSS makes the Canvas icons and Font Awesome icons available for headings, links, list items and the banner title. PowerGrid is a Canvas component that simplifies the process of creating your apps based upon responsive layout grids. The number of the column decreases as the screen size decreases for responsiveness. Instead of selecting Table, highlight the table, select Cell > Cell Properties > Advanced and change the Border style to either Hidden or None. However, the internal grid lines are still visible: 06-09-2021 06:22 AM. When vendors are responsive to questions, and submit careful remediation plans if. Note: The CSS shown in this section should not need any customization and is provided primary for explanation. Introduction FAQ Chapter 1: Overview 1.1: Content Tools 1.2: Template Wizard 1.3: Syllabus Tool Chapter 2: Content Editor 2.1: Launching USU Design Tools 2.2: Themes 2.3: Sections 2.4: Additional Features 2.4.1: Navigation Links 2.4.2: Modules List 2.4.3: Social Media Links 2.4.4: Check Color Accessibility 2.4.5: Accordions and Tabs 2.4.6: Advanced Lists 2.4.7: Borders and Spacing 2.4.8: Buttons 2.4.9: Colors 2.4.10: Alerts and Emphasis 2.4.11: Image Layout 2.4.12: Modals, Tooltips, or Read More 2.4.13: Progress Bar 2.4.14: Quick Check 2.4.15: Tables 2.4.16: Icons Chapter 3: Template Wizard 3.1: Add Template Wizard to Navigation Menu 3.2: Template Pages 3.3: Working with Modules 3.4: Images Chapter 4: Syllabus Tool 4.1: Launch the Syllabus Tool 4.2: Syllabus Tool Panels 4.3: Add Syllabus Content 4.4: Course Information Section 4.5: Learning Outcomes Section 4.6: Resources Section 4.7: Learning Activities Section 4.8: Grades Section 4.9: Policies Section 4.10: New Syllabus Section titles 4.11: Manage Syllabus Sections Admin Customization 2.1: Canvas Theme CSS 2.2: Canvas Global JS 2.3: Tools Variables JS 2.4: Additional Customization JS